my secret anime life

Alla inlägg under maj 2012

Av shin-chan - 19 maj 2012 19:10


Sitter och mumsar ostbågar! Lördagsmys jaow ^ ^

Igår var det fest så jag hann inte skriva.. Men men!

Det var iaf väldigt kul :)

Dock lite kallt med strumpbyxor haha xD

Idag har jag slappat, jobbat och gjort minimalt med läxor :3


Av shin-chan - 16 maj 2012 20:00



Av shin-chan - 16 maj 2012 19:45

Anyone who plans to visit Japan should have a nodding acquaintance with the vocabulary to make communicating the locals a little bearable. It was found out that 75% of the tourists who frequent Japan have no knowledge of the Japanese dictionary and Japanese Language -- even the simple ones used everyday by the locals. These visitors often find it hard to interact with the native folks, especially when they're lost or if they want something done.


If you want to enjoy a memorable visit in this amazing region, then you need to know a little bit of their vocabulary to effectively interact with the locals.

Top 10 Japanese Words Used By The Locals

1. Yes and No

The most basic words you can learn in Speaking Japanese are "hai", which means yes; and "iie" for no. Since most of the locals will be asking you things that requires a close answer, nodding or shaking your head might be disrespectful. It's better to give them a straight yes or no when the flow of the conversation demands it.

2. Greetings

Japan is well known for its polite greeting. If you are in the region, it would be best to give the appropriate greeting stay on their good sides.

• "Ohayou Gozaimasu" -- good morning

• "Kon-nichiwa" -- good afternoon

• "Konbanwa" -- good evening

• "Oyasuminasai" -- good night (used for people who are going to sleep for the night)

3. Arigato or Arigato Gozaimasu

"Arigato" is short for thank you. The complete form is "Arigato Gozaimasu". Some of the locals use the slang "domo" when they are in a hurry.


If you want to catch the attention of a Japanese local to ask directions or if you need their help, then you need to say "Sumimasen", or excuse me in English. This is can also be used when you accidentally bumped into someone as an apology.


5. Asking

If it's your first time to visit Japan, then there might come a time that you need to ask the locals some questions about things that you don't know about. Some of these are:

• Korewa nan desuka? -- asking what a certain object is

• Wa doko desuka? -- asking for direction

• Nanji desuka? -- asking for the current time

• Ikura desuka -- how much is the item/service? (monetary)

6. "Sayonara"

This is the equivalent of goodbye in Japanese. This is considered to be a polite gesture when you tell someone that you will be leaving or to see some of the locals off.

7. "Tasukete"

When you are in need of help or if you want to catch the attention of the locals that you are in trouble, then you only need to say "tasukete" (tas-soo-keh-teh).

8. Please

Please is a universal language for politeness and respect, especially in the case of the Japanese locals. When you offer them something then say "Dozo". If you want to ask for something then you need to say "Onegai Shimasu".


9. "Wakarimasen"

When a local is starting to talk to you in Japanese fast and hard, then you say "Wakarimasen", which simple means "I don't understand".

10. Bathroom

It would be a waste of time doing charade in front of the locals when you need to go to the bathroom. To avoid wasting any more time in this scenario, ask them for directions to the nearest bathroom by saying "Toire wa doko desuka?"


Av shin-chan - 16 maj 2012 19:12



Minami går med i hennes High School baseboll lag som en lagkapten efter att ha fått reda på att hennes bästa vän Yuuki är på sjukhus och inte kan vara lagkapten mer. För att hon ska kunna fylla Yuukis plats och hjälpa laget så gott hon kan, för att göra detta ger hon sig ut för att leta reda på en bok som handlar om hur man leder ett baseboll lag. 

Dock råkar hon istället köpa Peter Druckers bok som heter ''Ledarskap: uppgifter, ansvar, övning''. Som handlar om hur man ska sköta ett företag... Eftersom att hon inte kunde lämna tillbaka noken bestämmer hon sig för att läsa den ändå för att försöka ta del av kunskaperna och använda dom för att laget ska vinna turneringen. 



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Ima nanji desuka? What time is it?

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asa means morning in japanese

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